Will be doing a workshop in seattle next month! It should be awesome, great teachers and im proud to work with them. we will be doing paintings and sharing are ideas and processes. All the info you need you can find by following the link i've added and thats also where you can buy tickets.
hope to meet whoever can make it there! cheers and see you in january!
wow, It's great..
I hope to see.
oh my god I wish I lived in seattle!
Mr Flaptraps, another reason to be angry for not living in the states! I already feel sorry that I cannot get a beer with you (badass) artists from Arenanet, then I missed the great workshops from the master Kotaki, I missed the GW conventions signing artbooks... and now this incredible workshop...! too bad for me, I have to keep up visiting your blogs- that seems the only possible way to keep in touch!
Peace man and best wishes for the new year.
thanks for the info! i'll definitely be there! :)
record it.
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