Played with some new methods and process stuff. space base also re using paintings blah blah. Try to post more things soon however in a big moving point at the moment. the beginning of June i'll be moving to London to work at MPC, really exciting, and i hope to keep a sketchbook of my move on my sketchbook blog, so, wish me luck and thanks again for all the positive feedback! cheers
Really interesting studies.
Dang! Congrats on the move!
Hope you kick some ass!
Awesome work! Very loose and dynamic. Really dig the poses and atmosphere.
Beautiful paintings!Can't wait to meet you in person.:O)
when you get to the uk, goto kings cross, jump on a train to york... NEVER LOOK BACK
You are really a master of abstract shapes and mark making, thanks for the inspiration!!!
Beautiful style, love how dynamic and fast they look.
How long do you usually take for something like these?
Thanks a ton everyone!
Paul- thanks man, it was fun
Zachary- thanks man, hope your doing well too! are you done with school yet? or working?
Andrei- thanks me too, im excited too, excited to learn from you! see ya soon i hope
Cyrus- haha not even sure where thats at but i'll look into it:)
claire- thanks a lot, not sure about the master thing though:)
Chun Lo- thanks sir, i usually spend about and hour for the first part but with no real goal in mind i can play for hours...change this...add this...change this again...you know what i mean, thanks again:)
Great stuff Rich. Good luck on the move bud. Let me know if you are coming back into town for the San Diego Comicon at any point. We will get together and party...and by party I mean talk art and drink.
I just wanted to say I came across your art on the Guild Wars 2 wiki and I was blown away. Want you to know that your artwork will be the skin of my new laptop. Keep doing what you do you're awesome.
its oop north lad.
the beer is better, the people more friendly and the police less brutal.
Does anyone know if Rich's tutorials are still available? He had a forest horseman, a cliff scene, and one other one I think.
HUGE CONGRATZ to you Richard... I'm really glad for you bro. Keep us updated with your progress, I'm sure you'll learn so many new things over a new place.
Your work is very inspiring and absolutely fantastic!
It would be awesome if you posted some videos of your painting process. I'd love to see one of these paintings grow from a blank canvas into the finished product.
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